We are all witnesses to how the impractical waste management solutions of the past have dented the natural ecosystem of the present and are harmful to the future of the planet. Our collective negligence towards managing the massive industrial waste output and disparity in the segregation of various types of waste has led to several issues that have widescale global repercussions such as climate change, endangerment of species, and so on. This article sheds light on why there is an immediate need to take action toward waste management in Madagascar and how as an organization, Madabin will play a major role in introducing a circular economy in Madagascar.
Sustainable Recycling Programs driven by Systematic Waste Management
Activities that involve managing the flow of waste from the generation to the final disposal and recycling procedure are ideally considered waste management. The waste can be categorized into various sections depending on the nature of the waste such as solid waste (plastic waste, paper waste, glass waste, rubber waste, metal waste, and fabric waste), e-waste, and wet waste (food waste). Thus, segregated into different disposal compartments and compressed or composted to be recycled, the different kinds of waste can be managed. Post recycling and processing, the waste acquires natural raw material-like qualities that can be reused in a manufacturing process thereby, reducing the use of more natural resources for industrial/non-industrial production and consumption. This theory has given birth to the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle; which is a core concept driving all waste management operations globally. Industrial Waste Management in Madagascar is necessary to curb the growing concerns regarding sustainability issues.
Why is Waste Management important for Madagascar
As an integrated waste management organization, we at Madabin emphasize the urgency toward segregating waste and managing different types of waste to prevent the excess release of carbon and harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Ideally, some institutions are advocates of waste incineration but there is a backdrop as the smoke can harm the atmosphere and lead to an increase in temperature levels. Since our inception, we have managed to support over 170+ companies in India to manage their respective industrial waste output. Our objective in Madagascar is driven by the passionate goal to ensure zero landfills by repurposing the maximum amount of solid waste and wet waste towards recycling operations where they can acquire a new life to be reused in manufacturing instead of being dumped in a landfill and polluting the earth. Our zero-landfill process has enabled us to analyze the most efficient and sustainable way to manage waste and we have managed to divert more than 6,748,331 kgs of waste from landfills over 3 years.
Madabin’s Sustainability Strategy for Madagascar
Madabin is an Industrial Sustainability Project in Madagascar that focuses on waste management operations using a well-integrated accumulation, logistics, and composting system to procure waste from various industrial sources. With the help of a professional team, knowledge of waste management, and years of experience, Madabin will be conducting several awareness campaigns to educate the local community and businesses to adopt future-friendly and eco-friendly methods for disposing and managing the waste output.
The collected pre-consumer waste is converted into recycled principle material and manufactured into various products that are completely carbon negative and produced from 100% recycled materials. The products are repurposed into goods and supplied back to clients as per order value. MadaBin has a diverse product lineup including various goods manufactured from recycled plastic, recycled fabric, and recycled paper. We also manufacture compost/fertilizer that has widescale applications in agriculture.
Through our products and campaigns, we will be dispersing knowledge and awareness among the manufacturers of Madagascar to not only embrace recycled goods but also to be considerate towards utilizing raw materials for the packaging of goods. Thus, it will be the responsibility of product designers and all members involved in the manufacturing team to ensure that a minimal amount of pre-consumer waste is generated so that the future waste output is automatically reduced by the sustainable efforts we take up today. In terms of sustainable packaging, some perfect alternatives to plastic packaging are organic fabrics, such as flax, recycled cotton, and even palm, banana, and pineapple leaves which can replace plastic bags and containers. These materials biodegrade in 100 days, instead of the 500 to 1,000 years estimated for plastic bags, so they are incredibly eco-friendly. This is the knowledge that Madabin wants to spread amongst industries in Madagascar to create a better future for the community and businesses as a whole.